Mrs. Monica Rivera » Welcome to Kindergarten Room 119

Welcome to Kindergarten Room 119

A Message from Mrs. Rivera


I would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to Calmeca Academy and to my Kindergarten classroom. We will officially kick off the first day of school through remote learning on Tuesday, September 8th.  I am looking forward to meeting everyone and I am excited for the adventures that lay ahead of us as a community of learners.  


On this page, you can find the link to our schedule. Please take a look at it and  familiarize yourself with the times that class will be live on Google Meets and the times  where your child will be expected to complete independent learning activities. 


I also want to ask that you join our class on Seesaw. I will utilize Seesaw as my primary means of communication with you. Click on the link to join.       Seesaw